Liczba wyświetleń: 12 731

Piano tuner in Warsaw


Piano tuning, repair, cleaning, service in Warsaw and suburbs, and in some principal cities in Poland (Cracow, Lodz, Poznan, Gdansk, Bialystok, Olsztyn etc. – ask me where else). If you need to tune or fix the piano or adjust the action of grand or upright piano, even of very old, 19th Century types (straight-strung, overdamped (so called “birdcage”), no-frame pianos, Viennese action – “Prellmechanik” etc) – just call or send the email.

I am the internationally known musician, as well as piano tuner of the American Embassy in Warsaw.

Keep your piano tuned and efficient!

Please call:

(Mon-Fri 9 AM – 6 PM,
Sat 10 AM – 2 PM)

or ask me by email:


Please, don’t smoke and provide the silence during my visit!

Piano tuner, piano technician, piano adjusting, piano regulation, piano care, piano maintenance, tuning of piano, Poland, Warsaw.

Zapytania z wyszukiwarki, prowadzące na tę stronę:

  • piano tuner (3)
  • am do strojenia pianina (1)
  • ars tuning (1)
  • entireuxd (1)
  • strojenie pianina tune (1)

2 komentarz do “Piano tuner in Warsaw

  1. Witam, chciałbym przedyskutować kilka opcji, ale nie mogłem się dodzwonić na podany na stronie numer. Proszę się ze mną skontaktować jak najszybciej można, 0801625697

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